LEAD Pakistan’s climate change initiative, CLEAR: Climate Leadership for Effective Adaptation and Resilience,’ guided the work of Aman Welfare Organization (AWO) in a significant role as implementing partner. AWO led a crucial project in Union Council Hassanabad, which is located in Tehsil, District Multan. The project focused on the idea of ‘Preservation of Irrigation Water,’ aimed at improving ways to adapt to changes.
In the beginning, AWO developed a careful plan to involve the community. They effectively included farmers and local stakeholders to help them understand climate change and the importance of saving water. AWO started by bringing together 200 farmers and teaching them advanced techniques to save water. They used tools to block water flow and make the land even, all with the goal of using water wisely. AWO also worked with partners to help farmers get the tools they needed at lower costs.
AWO then showed how effective their methods were by setting up 20 examples of water-blocking tools. They demonstrated how these tools could save water and time. At the same time, AWO helped these 200 farmers understand climate change and how to save water and time when irrigating their crops. AWO played a key role in connecting farmers with the market so they could easily and affordably get water-saving tools.
A big achievement came when 486 farmers saw the results of AWO’s work and started using the same methods. This led to the creation of 66 water channels after successful talks with the government. The government also fixed the Kirpalpur Minor Water Channel, which showed the impact of AWO’s efforts.
AWO didn’t stop there. They kept going and convinced 100 more farmers to use land-leveling techniques. This method helped save water and make irrigation more efficient. Surprisingly, AWO was able to persuade farmers to switch from water-intensive crops like cotton and rice to more sustainable options like corn. These changes meant faster growth and less need for irrigation.
AWO’s great work got noticed globally when their achievements were highlighted in an international event about adapting to changes. This was held in Nepal and showcased the success of AWO’s journey, filled with accomplishments and important moments. This was another big step in AWO’s impressive story.